
The channel consists of a clear acrylic working section of large depth to width ratio incorporating undershot and overshot weirs at the inlet and discharge ends respectively. Water is fed to the streamlined channel entry via a stilling tank to reduce turbulence. Water discharging from the

channel is collected in the volumetric tank of the Hydraulics Bench and returned to the sump for recirculation. A dye injection system incorporated at the inlet to the channel permits flow visualization in conjunction with a graticule on the rear face of the channel. Models supplied with the channel include broad and sharp crested weirs, large and small diameter cylinders and symmetrical and asymmetrical aerofoil’s which, in conjunction with the inlet and discharge weirs, permit a varied range of open channel and flow visualization demonstrations.





  • Demonstrating basic phenomena associated with open channel flow
  • Visualization of flow patterns over or around immersed objects


Utitlities Required


  • Hydraulic Bench



Technical Details


PRODUCT Flow channel (Hydraulic Bench Accessories)
Product Code FM-HBA-15
Dye injection needles 5
Dye reservoir capacity 0.45 litres
Width of channel 15mm
Length of channel 600mm
Depth of channel 150mm


 broad crested weir

narrow crested weir

symmetrical aerofoil

asymmetrical aerofoil

small cylinder

large cylinder


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