

WIND TUNNEL has been developed to perform various experiments of aerodynamics and fluid flow.  An open circuit Wind Tunnel consists of a region of uniform air flow into which different models can be fitted. The wind tunnel has bell mouth shaped entry to guide the air smoothly into test section. Air entry of wind tunnel has one honey comb grid and nylon mesh screens which stabilizes the air flow. Test section with transparent acrylic sheet, is provided for visual observation. Diverging section of the wind tunnel acts like a diffuser reducing the dynamic pressure of air at the exit. An axial fan coupled with variable speed AC motor is used to attain desired wind velocity. A Variable Frequency Drive motor control is used for testing various aerodynamic models at various air velocities. A computerized version of wind tunnel is also available. Various graphs can be plotted by interfacing the equipment via National Instruments Labview based software. Data logging in MS Excel feature is also provided in software.




  • To plot speed curve for wind tunnel.
  • To study pressure distribution around (A) aerofoil-symmetrical & un-symmetrical (B) Cylinder (C) Flat Plate.
  • To measure lift and drag on aerofoil model.
  • To study the development of boundary layer along a plate in Tunnel




  • Compact & stand alone set up
  • Superb Painted structure
  • Easy to operate & minimum maintenance required.




  • Electric Supply: 220/240V/1ph/50Hz
  • Floor Area 10 x 3.5 m




Product & code Subsonic Wind Tunnel Apparatus (Basic Model) & HM 18
Models Aerofoil, pressure-velocity distribution across models, cylinder,
Type Open Type Wind Tunnel
Test Section 300x 300 x 450mm (can be designed as per customer scope also)
Blower axial fan type Compatible Capacity.
Motor 3 HP, 2800 RPM
Speed Controller For Variable Speed from 10%to 100% speed.
Air Velocity 2 to 30 m/s approximate ( depends on the test section size)
Multiple tube Manometer 15 PVC Tubes 0-45° inclination with vertical axis.
U tube manometer Length 1 m
Pitot Static Tube 300 mm, Tube Diameter 3/8”
Anemometer Velocity Measuring Range 0-30 m/s
Overall Dimensions  



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