

It is a small open channel flume, available in 2.5m or 5.0m lengths, with clear acrylic sides to the working section for total visibility of the flow (Optional).

The channel is fitted with an inlet tank, and is designed for free discharge into the Sump Tank. The flume is mounted on a rigid framework, and can be tilted by use of a screw jack,

The inlet tank incorporates a stilling arrangement to diffuse the water flow prior to entry into the channel, ensuring smooth uniform flow. The level in the working section of the flume is controlled using an overshot weir at the discharge end.

A longitudinal scale positioned at the top of the channel allows depth gauges and Pitot-static tubes to be accurately positioned along the channel length.

The flume is designed for use with a Sump Tank, which provides the pumped water flow, the flow control valve and a volumetric tank for flow measurement.




  • Study of open channel flume
  • Use of hook and point gauges to measure water level
  • Understanding the relationship between water level above the crest of a weir and flow rate over the weir
  • Hydraulic jump
  • Using hydraulic structures for control of flow e.g. sluice gate
  • Applying and understanding Manning’s formula
  • Use of a Pitot-static tube to measure velocity profiles


Technical Specifications


Product & Code Open Channel Tilting Flume (Tilting & Fixed Type), SS 304 (BASIC) & HM 20
Length 2.5 m 5.0 m
Channel dimensions Width: 150mm

Height: 300mm

Channel slope: adjustable between ±2% or Confirm

Width: 200mm

Height: 400mm

Channel slope: adjustable between ±2% or Confirm

Model and gauges ·         Venturi flume

·         sharp and broad crested weirs

·         crump weir

·         adjustable undershot weir

·         2 vernier level gauges

·         Pitot static tube

Electric Supply 220/240V/1ph/50 Hz @10 A
Pump 1 HP 2 HP
Sump Tank MOC (SS) 250 Ltr Approx 450 Ltr Approx
Measuring Tank MOC (SS) 60 Ltr 100 Ltr
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