Product Specifications

HEAT TRANSFER LAB. (CHEMICAL & MECHANICAL)(With & Without Data Logging)(Computerized & Non Computerized)

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Item Code Description
HT 01 Heat Transfer Through Composite Walls
HT 02 Heat Transfer Through Lagged Pipe
HT 03 Heat Pipe Demonstrator
HT 04 Thermal Conductivity Of Insulting Powder
HT 05 Thermal Conductivity Of Metal Rod
HT 06 Thermal Conductivity Of Insulating Slab
HT 07 Thermal Conductivity Of Liquids
HT 08 Heat Transfer From A Pin Fin
HT 09 Heat Transfer In Forced Convection
HT 10 Heat Transfer In Natural Convection
HT 11 Emmissivity Measurement Apparatus
HT 12 Stefan Boltzman Apparatus
HT 13 Dropwise / Filmwise Condenser Apparatus
HT 14 Parallel /Counter Flow Heat Exchanger (Double Pipe Heat Exchanger)
HT 15 Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
HT 16 Finned Tube Heat Exchanger
HT 17 Vertical & Horizontal Condenser
HT 18 Heat Transfer In Agitated Vessel
HT 19 Unsteady State Heat Transfer Unit
HT 20 Open Pan Evaporator
HT 21 Single Effect Evaporator
HT 22 Multi Effect Evaporator
HT 23 Calandria Evaporator
HT 24 Experimental Water Cooling Tower
HT 25 Separating And Throttling Calorimeter
HT 26 Critical Heat Flux In Saturated Pool Boiling
HT 31 Heat Exchanger Service Unit
HT 31A Tubular Heat Exchanger
HT 31B Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
HT 31C Plate Type Heat Exchanger
HT 31D Jacketed Vessel With Stirrer & Coil
HT 51 Heat Transfer Exp. Base Unit
HT 51 A Linear Heat Conduction Experiment
HT 51 B Radial Heat Conduction Experiment
HT 51 C Extended Surface Heat Transfer
HT 51 D Conductivity Of Liquids & Gasses
HT 51 E Free And Forced Convection Exp.
HT 51 F Combined Convection And Radiation
HT 51 G Unsteady State Heat Transfer
HT 51 H Thermal Radiation Experimental Setup
HT 56 Thermal Conductivity Of Building Materials/Non-Metallic Materials
HT 57 Boiling Experimental Setup